Predavanje na Mašinskom fakultetu u Beogradu
(14. 11. 2019)
Periodni sistem elemenata i zlatni presek
Predavanje na Mašinskom fakultetu u Beogradu
(14. 11. 2019)
Periodni sistem elemenata i zlatni presek
Predavanje održano studentima Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu, dana 6. 11. 2019. godine
Referring to the results of previous research on the Cipher of genetic code and analogies of genetic and chemical code – two overall complete natural systems – this paper presents the results of the study on the most complete Protein Amino Acids System (PAAS).
Predavanje održano studentima Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu
(biomedicinski smer) 7. 11. 2018.
This is Chapter VIII in my book ЊЕГОШЕВА ПО(И)ЕТИКА [NJEGOSH’S PO(I)ETICS], the Chapter written not only in Serbian, but also in English. Attached are the illustrations from Chapter IV (Njegosh’s universal poetic structures), which also to Chapter VIII refers. Njegosh’s number 202020 in Figure 2 (Слика 2) in the form (202020:10) is found as the 26th multiple of number 777, in:
arXiv: 0802.1056v2 [q-bio.BM], second vers. 20 Sep 2019: App. B, Tab B2, p. 17.
Box1 in chapter VIII is legend for Figure 4 (Слика 4). This Figure 4 can also be found in my book GENETIC CODE AS A UNIQUE SYSTEM, p. 165, located on this site.
Original whole book is located on this site, under the name: NJEGOSEVA PO(I)ETIKA
Rakočević, M.M. (2015) Njegoševa po(i)etika, Pitura, Beograd
Miloje M. Rakočević, GENETIC CODE AS A UNIQUE SYSTEM, Studentski kulturni centar, Niš (SKC), 1997, pp. 1-194
The first installation of the book disappeared from the site. Besides that, it is somewhere very broken, especially the illustrations. Pages moved, etc. I apologize to the readers. (Note: original page 165 is now 167)
„Teslin skriveni holizam“ je naučno-popularni članak, objavjavljen u NAUČNOM MAGAZINU „Nova galaksija“, br. 2/ 2019, str, 60-69. [U pitanju je, inače, treći po redu broj štampane verzije obnovljene GALAKSIJE.] Članak se ovde daje u pre-print formi, prvenstveno zbog toga što su na kraju članka date REFERENCE sa pozivanjima u tekstu članka, a koje su u print formi, iz tehničkih razloga, izostavljene. Otuda, zainteresovanim čitaocima ova pre-print forma može biti od koristi.
Zlatni presek u prirodi i stvaralaštvu (Golden mean in nature and creativity), predavaje koje sam održao u Muzeju PTT, 27.02.2019.
Предавање које сам одржао у Коларчевој задужбини у Београду 22.01.2019 (A lecture I gave at Kolarac’s Endowment in Belgrade on January 22, 2019)
OSF Preprints
Preprint DOI
No license
Life Sciences Biology Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology
Genetic code; Protein amino acids; Canonical amino acids; Atom number balance; Ordinal amino acid number.
Rakočević, M. M. (2017, November 27). Genetic code: Chemical Distinctions of Protein Amino Acids.
Rakočević, Miloje M. “Genetic Code: Chemical Distinctions of Protein Amino Acids.” OSF Preprints, 27 Nov. 2017. Web.
Rakočević, Miloje M. 2017. “Genetic Code: Chemical Distinctions of Protein Amino Acids.” OSF Preprints. November 27. doi:10.31219/