Svi članci od Miloje Rakocevic

Теслино и Његошево согласије опште (Tesla’s and Njegosh’s general accordance in Nature)

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Tesla’s birth, a scientific meeting was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Mašinski fakultet) in Belgrade on July 10, 2006. The collection of papers was published in 2007, under the title: „Tesla – Visions, work, life“. My contribution is the essay „Tesla’s and Njegosh’s general accordance in Nature“, pp. 73 – 98. A preprint of that paper is presented here.


Tesla and Njegosh on general accordance.doc

Protein amino acids as a complete (periodic) system


Referring to the results of previous research on the Cipher of genetic code and analogies of genetic and chemical code – two overall complete natural systems – this paper presents the results of the study on the most complete Protein Amino Acids System (PAAS). It is shown that 20 protein amino acids appear to be a complete system – ordered, coherent, and harmonic. …

Protein AAs as complete system


Genetic code as the unity of chemism and semiosis

Abstract. The paper presents the properties of the genetic code (built from two components: amino acid and nucleotide component) in a new understanding, as the unity of chemism and semiosis. The connection between the two components is established through the three-membered nucleotide associations (three-letter „words“), the codons. In doing so, the Standard Genetic Code Table is viewed as a system-arrangement of strictly balanced and nuanced physico-chemical properties of amino acid molecules, with several „robust“ places; robust because they have a high amino acid diversity. …

[Updated on September 18, 2022]

GC as unity of chemism and semiosis

The universal code as a reality of holism“, pp. 210-221

Abstract. From ancient times it was thought that the codes and conventions are the basis of all cultural phenomena, and they have divided the world culture from the world of nature. The nature is governed by objective immutable laws, wherea s the culture is produced by mutable conventions of the human mind. However, the discovery of the genetic code in the early 1960s, like a bolt from the blue, shown that the barrier between nature and culture does not exist. It turned out that the genetic c ode, in its essence, is a metaphor, a secondary structure such as a computer program which allows us to represent the physical and chemical properties of molecules writing only the binary numbers. …



Genetic code as a unique system

Final comments: How has the genetic code become „from the beginning“ that what it was: why with those bases and that exact number of bases; why with those amino acids and why with that exact number of amino acids; with exactly 3 „stop“ codons in the alphabet which functions on the level of words, with exactly one termination situation in the alphabet which functions on the level of letters (as showed graphically in Figure 1 in Shcherbak, 1994, p 475)? All this follows from a strict determination by nucleon number presented in chapter 4 and a strict determination based on physical and chemical parameters presented in chapter 6. The genetic code, therefore, must be universal for life which could exist anywhere in the universe (with this the answer to question 1 from the Introduction has been given). But it is not universal in the sense that there is one-meaning correspondence between the words of one alphabet and the letters of the other alphabet in all cases. …

GC as a unique system