In this second part of the paper, the pairs of protein amino acids (AAs), canonical in the genetic code (GC) in the three system-arrangements (OS, DS and AS), presented in the first part, are compared with the Table of chemical similarity of AAs.
Mesečne arhive: maj 2021
Genetic code research: a precognition result (II)
In this second part of the short communication (Ref. 2), we give an argument more in favor of the validity of the precognition status of the final result of my 40 years of genetic code researches. …
U ovom drugom delu kratkog saopštenja (Ref. 2) dajemo argument više u prilog validnosti statusa prekognicije finalnog rezultata mojih 40-godišnjih istraživanja genetskog koda.
Genetic code research: a precognition result (I)
This short communication reveals final result of my 40 years of research into the genetic code with the status of a precognition in the sense that it was seen in one of my dreams 75 years ago.
U ovom kratkom saopštenju obelodanjuje se finalni rezultat mojih 40-godišnjih istraživanja genetskog koda sa statusom prekognicije u smislu što je viđen u snu pre 75 godina.